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Visitors to Our Museum in Chinon

Those who have visited CHIMOMU in Indre-et-Loire

Over the years, our unique European Museum of Youngtimer multi-brand motorcycles has had the honor of welcoming thousands of people, including curious visitors, bikers, enthusiasts, collectors, and also personalities from the world of two-wheelers.
Each of our visitors, whether known or not, expert or not, has contributed to enriching the history of our establishment by sharing their passion, memories, expertise, anecdotes, knowledge, and more.
Everyday bikers, intrepid adventurers who have braved all weather conditions on all types of tracks, wizard-mechanics to the best bookish experts of the motorcycle industry, all have left a little piece of their soul in our halls, transforming our Museum into a 'somewhat magical' meeting place for motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world and their families and friends.
Explore this page to discover who these famous or not famous enthusiasts are, who have so honored our museum with their presence and experience, and dive into these fascinating stories that have marked our establishment over time.

Also, check out the news from our Museum !

Prestigious Personalities from the World of Motorcycling

Coming soon…

Our Everyday Visitors

Coming soon…

Contact us for more details on the exceptional motorcycles and objects and bottles available in our Museum.